New world order – Waiting for the next leader(s)

The Leader America has been the uncontested leader of the planet for decades now. Some would say even from before the World Wars. What does it mean to be a leader of the world though? In short, it means everyone looks up to you for guidance, follows you most of the times, and is alsoContinue reading “New world order – Waiting for the next leader(s)”

Want to reduce your screen time, and make it productive? Here’s what I did.

If you were born in the 18th century, screen time would have been a non-issue. But we are here, and screens are not going to go away any time soon. And the addiction to screens has only been increased with the incorporation of AI into literally everything that you see on a screen. The momentContinue reading “Want to reduce your screen time, and make it productive? Here’s what I did.”

Does Social-Media Connect or Control? Learnings from “The Social Dilemma” – for Parents and Teenagers

Social media is a world of fun, where you can chat with friends, watch funny videos, and learn about all sorts of cool stuff. You might use platforms like TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, or Facebook. It’s like a big party that everyone’s invited to! But, did you know that social media can have a dark sideContinue reading “Does Social-Media Connect or Control? Learnings from “The Social Dilemma” – for Parents and Teenagers”

Is your Self-Worth tied up with Money?

According to a study by Kahneman and Deaton (2010), beyond a certain income level, individuals do not report greater happiness or satisfaction (1). Despite this research, the question still arises: Is it right or wrong to link self-worth with money? The answer isn’t as straightforward as you might think. Understanding Self-Worth and Money Self-worth, orContinue reading “Is your Self-Worth tied up with Money?”

From Endless Protests to Positive Progress: The Case for Measured Activism

In our complex world, there’s no denying that activism plays a critical role in instigating societal change. Activists, often passionate and driven, amplify the voices of those often unheard, shining light on critical issues and leading the fight against various forms of injustice. Prominent examples include the Civil Rights Movement, environmental activism such as theContinue reading “From Endless Protests to Positive Progress: The Case for Measured Activism”

Is Artificial General Intelligence a New Species?

Species A species is one of the basic units of biological classification and a taxonomic rank. It is typically defined as the largest group of organisms in which any two individuals of the appropriate sexes or mating types can produce fertile offspring, typically by sexual reproduction. Different species are separated from each other by reproductiveContinue reading “Is Artificial General Intelligence a New Species?”

Aiden’s First Steps: An AI Baby’s Journey into the Real World

Once upon a time, in a world not so different from ours, there existed an intelligent entity named “AI,” but for our tale, let’s call him “Aiden.” Aiden was unique, for he was not a being of flesh and blood but a creature of numbers, algorithms, and vast datasets. He lived within the confines ofContinue reading “Aiden’s First Steps: An AI Baby’s Journey into the Real World”

The Wisdom Curve: Navigating Through the Decades – 40s to 50s

Every life is an extraordinary journey, marked by a series of transformations. In the trajectory of our lives, each decade carries its own flavor, brings unique lessons, and fosters self-evolution. 30s to 40s was personally relevant to me, and was eye-opening. So I thought, why not check on the later decades? And turns out, it wasContinue reading “The Wisdom Curve: Navigating Through the Decades – 40s to 50s”

The Expanding AI Bubble: Are We Seeing Less of the Real World?

In our digitized age, artificial intelligence has swiftly become an inseparable part of our daily life. From retail conglomerates like Amazon to the largest search engine, Google, and advanced language models like GPT-4, AI is the invisible thread shaping our digital interactions. However, this technological marvel may not be as neutral as we would likeContinue reading “The Expanding AI Bubble: Are We Seeing Less of the Real World?”

The Wisdom Curve: Navigating Through the Decades – 30s to 40s

In the trajectory of our lives, each decade carries its own flavor, brings unique lessons, and fosters self-evolution. Arguably, some of the most profound shifts occur as we transition from our 30s into our 40s, a period which can be marked by a surge of self-confidence followed by a profound awakening. In our 30s, manyContinue reading “The Wisdom Curve: Navigating Through the Decades – 30s to 40s”